About us
Un espacio que da vida al comercio local

Create living spaces and provide well-being and give life to commerce

With nearly 400 shopping centers managed in 12 countries across Europe and Asia, Ceetrus is currently one of the leading European commercial real estate companies in this type of shopping center.

For 40 years, Ceetrus has developed its experience in the commercial real estate sector and its mastery of the entire value creation chain, from investment, to dynamic asset management, through design, marketing, management and promotion. of shopping centers.


A merchant dna

Along with his history and his values, Ceetrus has deep merchant DNA. Commerce, physical, emotional and connected, is the foundation of all our business initiatives. The key to the success of the Ceetrus centers is to create a relationship with the ensigns. They have an attractive commercial mix: strategic location, balance between activity sectors, outstanding brands, original concepts and quality independent brands, synergy between brands, etc.Ceetrus gives life to a relationship of collective intelligence shared with its business partners and works daily for its sustainable development, in this period of changing trends and consumption models.Ceetrus, together with Auchan, is the best traffic generator in the places where it operates. Promoters, traders, managers and investors in 12 countries around the world, we bring a recognized global know-how in commercial real estate.

We manage 31 shopping centers

We provide well-being, creating and managing sustainable living, commercial and experience spaces for everyone with professional, responsible and passionate collaborators.

"With a motto: merchants at the service of merchants".


Key figures

382 shopping centers in 12 countries.


Attractive centers

In order for customers to visit and return, we constantly seek to surprise them and provide them with emotions.

It is a state of mind that involves all the stakeholders of the company, from the design of the shopping center, the facilities, the welcome to the client, the rest areas, the signage, the animations and the quality of the service ... All this contributes to create an environment, the well-being of customers, and commercial efficiency and quality.

In order for customers to visit and return, we constantly seek to surprise them and provide them with emotions.


Comercial: 10:00 - 22:00
Hypermarket: 09:00 a 22:00
Restaurants: 9:00 - 22:00
Xperience: Mon-Thu and Sun: 07:00 am to 01:00 am / Fri and Sat: 07:00 am to 02:00 am